Friday, May 3, 2013

Some Instant Gratification...

The other day I mentioned that I was doing some quick, instant gratification projects to balance out the big quilts I'm working on. I shared the Summer bag last week, some Noodlepouches before that, and now I'm showing you another!

This is a tutorial that Elizabeth did for Sew Mama Sew a while back, and has been on my to do list (aka Pinterest) for ages. The other night I decided to just go ahead a give it a try!

I made the thread catcher first, so at least if I lost interest before finishing the rest I would have something useful to show for it...

I like it a lot, so I went ahead and did the pincushion/pocket part. This thing is so cute!

Right now I have it on the edge of my machine table, but I've been moving it around a lot. I might move it to the arm of the couch, for handwork projects. I always seem to have a little pile of threads on the side table... and a couple needles stuck in the arm of the couch. Not the safest thing ever with my little monkey in the house...

1 comment:

  1. That's really great!! I like the thread catchers a lot; however, I have a little tip jar my daughter made in the first grade that I started using to catch those threads. She might disown me if I switched!!
